COVID-19 negatively impacted the Public Distribution System in India by restricting both human movement and the transportation of goods. The National Institute of Industrial Engineering, now the Indian Institute of Management Mumbai, was committed to overcoming these challenges and so developed a simulation that would help manage supply chain disruptions, mitigating the effects of this pandemic as well as any future ones.
A Canadian agricultural supplier faced significant logistical challenges due to the high running costs of the logistics network. The company wanted to assess its supply chain to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. By using anyLogistix's supply chain modeling and design capabilities, the company was advised to make changes in the logistics network that would deliver substantial improvements in both operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.
A leading Colombian company in food logistics needed to organize its complex distribution network operations for 10 years. They sought the expertise of Decisiones Logísticas, a consulting firm, to address the challenge. Through a three-phase approach, the team achieved an expected cost reduction of around 3%, demonstrating the advantages of supply chain simulation modeling.