


ITC Infotechは、銀行、ヘルスケア、製造、および消費財などの分野で、世界中の企業にソリューションサービスを提供しています。同社は、常に最新の先端技術を利用して、ソリューションを開発しています。


Weekends Only社は、高品質で手頃な価格の家具を提供するために設立されました。Weekends Only社の運用上の課題における最優先課題は、世界中のベンダーから米国の倉庫や小売店への調達家具の流通を継続的に最適化することです。Weekends Only社のロジスティクスチームは、ニューオーリンズ港とミシシッピ川を経由して、海上、はしけ、トラックを組み合わせたマルチモーダル輸送の費用便益を調査したいと考えていました。


資本市場、財務リストラ及び戦略的コンサルティングおいて豊富な知識を持つグローバル投資銀行であるHoulihan Lokeyは、北米を代表するヘルスケアディストリビューターから、流通業務の活性化支援の依頼を受けました。過去10年間で、このヘルスケアディストリビューターは、既存の製品ラインを拡大し、補完的な事業を買収することにより、大幅な成長を遂げてきました。



End-to-end supply chain management and optimization for a pharmaceutical company

A pharmaceutical company faced the complex challenge of end-to-end supply chain management for a global launch of a new product. Utilizing advanced simulations, the hired consultants ran different scenarios on inventory policies, demand variation, and other factors. The end-to-end supply chain optimization approach helped in building a resilient supply chain and prepared the company for success in key markets.

The importance of sustainability in supply chain and logistics management

An Italian dairy company wanted to reduce its carbon footprint. They partnered with Asset Consulting, that used anyLogistix to analyze the sustainability of logistics management. The consulting team identified ways to cut production costs and reduce inventory waste and plastic usage, which decreased carbon emissions by 11%. This case study highlights the importance of sustainability in the supply chain and illustrates how strategic decarbonization can align nicely with financial goals.

Agribusiness optimization: save millions with logistics data analysis

Agricultural supply chains face unique challenges that logistics analysis can solve. See how the University of North Texas uses anyLogistix to optimize transportation, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. This supply chain optimization use case demonstrated a potential cost reduction of 6%, translating into millions of dollars saved.

Route optimization in waste management logistics

Valorix, a Canadian company specializing in waste management logistics, faced a major challenge in organic waste collection and disposal. InnovLOG, the Québec Institute for Innovation in Logistics, stepped in to streamline Valorix's routes. By using anyLogistix for route optimization in logistics, InnovLOG successfully managed to cut costs and emissions, improving Valorix's efficiency and corporate image.

Supply chain planning solutions for home goods distribution

Decisiones Logísticas partnered with a household staple product distributor to optimize their logistical network. They were able to identify optimal locations and sizes for distribution centers across the country by leveraging anyLogistix’s supply chain planning solutions. The project used network optimization tools and techniques to analyze transportation costs, customer distribution, and product turnover rates. It resulted in streamlined logistics operations and enhanced adaptability to regional demands.

Optimization of an FMCG distribution network and supply chain demand forecasting

An international company with an FMCG distribution network in Turkey faced challenges related to high transportation costs, optimizing their supply chain, and meeting the demands of a growing market. They partnered with Phoenix Analytics to build a digital twin using anyLogistix, which would enable data-driven decisions. The project resulted in a 10% reduction in transportation costs and improved supply chain demand forecasting.



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